American billionaire Elon Musk appeared for the third time in federal court in San Francisco to testify in a class-action lawsuit filed by Tesla investors who claimed he misled them with his tweet.

The 51-year-old billionaire appealed his strong defense, focusing on two tweets he posted in 2018 that said he had testified the day before that he had raised the money needed to acquire Tesla during friendly cross-examination by his lawyer, Alex Spiro. .

During a poignant interrogation on Monday by a lawyer representing Tesla shareholders, Musk showed aggression, resentment and anger as he insisted throughout the interrogation that he secured the necessary financial backing for a $72 billion acquisition deal during meetings in 2018. year. representatives of the State Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, although the specific amount or rate of funding was not discussed.

When Musk was confronted with text messages and emails indicating that a Saudi investment fund spokesman had never pledged money to fully acquire Tesla, Musk bluntly stated that these were nothing more than the words of a man trying to backtrack on a previously made promise in private conversations.

Source: “AB”

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