MAPPA, Your Favorite Animation Studio

MAPPA is a renowned animation studio that has made significant waves in the world of Japanese animation. Founded in 2011 by Masao Maruyama, co-founder of the legendary Madhouse studio, MAPPA quickly established itself as a benchmark in Japanese animation. The studio has found tremendous success and is now at the forefront of major manga adaptation projects, including Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, Vinland Saga, and Hell’s Paradise.

With a strong foothold in Japanese animation, MAPPA continues to thrive despite the demanding pace of releasing new content. Yet, the studio recently made headlines with a more humble project – an advertisement for male skincare products.

An Unexpected Project

MAPPA’s unexpected project centers around an ad campaign for MARO17, a Japanese brand offering shampoo for men. In the longer version of the ad, viewers follow the daily life of an unconventional character surrounded by various trinkets. When he runs out of food for his dog, he takes the time to wash his hair.

This seemingly simple advertisement showcases the immense talent of MAPPA. The studio’s expertise in light and color effects shines through once again. Directed by Takeshi Sato, who has worked on episodes of the anime Chainsaw Man, and with character design by Nao Otsu, known for their work on the BEASTARS series, this short film showcases a captivating visual experience.

The main character’s voice acting is performed by Yoshimasa Hosoya, noted for his role as Reiner in Attack on Titan. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, a renowned group, lends their musical talents to the main theme. The result is a unique and flawless creation.

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Angela Lee was born in Korea and raised in Alabama. She graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Journalism.

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