Cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control and can then invade and damage surrounding tissues and organs.

The symptoms of cancer depend on the location of the abnormal cells and the affected areas, which is why many people are aware of the most common signs of lung cancer.

Those with symptoms are more likely to notice chest and breathing problems, given the localization of the disease, which include a cough that doesn’t go away after two or three weeks, a persistent cough that gets worse, persistent chest infections, and a cough. blood, soreness or pain when breathing or coughing, and persistent shortness of breath.

Patients with any type of cancer also often experience fatigue, loss of appetite, and unexplained weight loss, but symptoms often do not appear until the disease has developed, meaning that it may go unnoticed for some time.

Some other lesser-known symptoms have been documented as they can be confused with other conditions, while the NHS says there are seven “less common” signs of lung cancer, which are changes in the appearance of the fingers, such as becoming more curved or the ends get bigger (and this is what is known as “drumsticks”), a fever of 38°C or higher, difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing, wheezing, a hoarse voice, swelling of the face or neck, and persistent pain in the chest or shoulder.

The Health Authority advises to see a doctor if a person suffers from any of the symptoms of the aforementioned disease.

Source: Express

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Angela Lee was born in Korea and raised in Alabama. She graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Journalism.

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