The Constitutional Committee of the Turkish Parliament has passed a constitutional amendment bill that provides women with constitutional guarantees to wear the veil.

As proposed, provisions were added to article 24 of the Constitution providing for constitutional guarantees for the wearing of the veil.

Accordingly, the public or private sector will not require any woman to “cover or uncover her head”, and no one has the right to deny women the right to education, work, vote, be elected, participate in political activities or participate in political life. public services or use any other fundamental right, or enjoy public goods and services or in the private sector, on account of her religious beliefs, and she may not be denied the dress she prefers, and therefore she should not be condemned, reprimanded or subjected to any or discrimination.

The law also states: “With regard to clothing, if there is a requirement for a service that is received or provided, the government will be able to take the necessary measures only on the condition that, provided that women are not prevented from covering their heads due to their religious beliefs and preferences wear a veil in any case.”

Members of the Republican People’s Party and the Good Party left the committee “objecting” to the bill’s wording.

Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the Republican People’s Party, was the first to raise the issue of introducing legislation to further guarantee the freedom to wear the veil. In turn, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan submitted a proposal to amend the constitution establishing the freedom to wear the veil in all sectors of the state, as an alternative to the opposition leader’s proposal to pass a law guaranteeing the freedom to wear the veil. in public places.

Opposition parties want to block a constitutional amendment in response to the ruling party’s cooperative policy of passing only the laws it prepares, while they insist on rejecting all laws submitted by opposition parties in addition to taking action. chase them.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that if the parliament does not pass the constitutional amendment, he will appeal to the people, citing a referendum.

Source: Zaman newspaper.

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