Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Anna Malyar said that Kyiv does not publish data on the losses of Ukrainian forces during the counterattack due to the information war between Russia and Ukraine.

And she wrote on her channel in Telegram: “Current wars go on in two dimensions – real and informational. In the information space, the battles are no less fierce. They also have certain tasks, rules and laws.”

Mallar added that the more information about the enemy is available, the easier it is to predict his capabilities and plans.

Earlier this week, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that within three days, Kyiv launched a long-awaited offensive in different sectors of the front and concentrated a large amount of equipment and manpower for this.

Shoigu stressed that the Russian armed forces stopped the offensive attempts and defeated the enemy. Ukrainian forces lost up to 3715 people in three days.

Source: News

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