Marvel Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Star Wars: Rebels with Variant Covers

A Journey Back to the Ghost

Star Wars: Rebels, an animated series that captured viewers’ hearts, originally aired on Disney XD from 2014 to 2018. The show transported fans to a galaxy far, far away as it followed the thrilling adventures of the intrepid crew of the Ghost. This group of smugglers, led by the indomitable Hera Syndulla, stood as a beacon of hope in their relentless fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire. Throughout the series, their journey evolved from a ragtag crew into an integral part of the larger Alliance to Restore the Republic.

A Timeless Tale

Set five years before the events of the first Star Wars film, “A New Hope,” Star Wars: Rebels seamlessly intertwined with storylines from the acclaimed “The Clone Wars” animated series. Notably, it continued the saga of Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s former Jedi apprentice, capturing her evolution as a character. The diverse crew of the Ghost included the wise Jedi Kanan Jarrus, the explosive artist Sabine Wren, the tough-as-nails Zeb Orrelios, the resourceful astromech droid Chopper, and the young and spirited Ezra Bridger. Their formidable adversaries included the enigmatic Grand Inquisitor, the relentless Imperial Agent Kallus, and the iconic Grand Admiral Thrawn.

A Sneak Peek at the Variant Covers

To mark this remarkable milestone, Marvel will unveil a series of variant covers that pay homage to the unforgettable characters of Star Wars: Rebels. Here’s a tantalizing glimpse of some of these stunning covers:

  • Star Wars #42 (January): The Grand Inquisitor, the series’ menacing main villain, takes center stage.
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader #42 (January): Kanan Jarrus and the formidable Zeb Orrelios share the spotlight.
  • Star Wars #43 (February): The fearless Captain Hera Syndulla, who plays a pivotal role in the series and the highly anticipated Ahsoka Disney+ series, graces the cover.
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader #43 (February): Grand Admiral Thrawn, a pivotal character in Disney’s future Star Wars endeavors, commands attention to this captivating cover.
  • Star Wars #44 (March): Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi apprentice and beloved character from The Clone Wars, makes her striking appearance.
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader #44 (March): Ezra Bridger, the charismatic central protagonist of Star Wars: Rebels, who recently resurfaced in the Ahsoka series, takes the limelight.
  • Star Wars #45 (April): Sabine Wren, the Mandalorian warrior on her journey to becoming a Jedi in the Ahsoka series, graces this mesmerizing cover.
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader #45 (April): Agent Kallus, the Imperial agent turned Rebel with a compelling story arc, features prominently on this evocative cover.

These variant covers promise to be a delightful treat for Star Wars enthusiasts and serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of Star Wars: Rebels. Marvel invites fans old and new to join in this celebration of a series that has left an indelible mark on the Star Wars universe. May the Force be with you as you embark on this journey back to the Ghost!

Source: Marvel

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Angela Lee was born in Korea and raised in Alabama. She graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Journalism.

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