Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said in an interview with the 1 + 1 TV channel that the Ukrainian military is carrying out the mission of the NATO alliance, and instead is participating in the fight against Russia.
Reznikov said: “Today we are carrying out the mission of NATO. They do not shed their blood, but we shed our blood, and therefore they are obliged to provide us with weapons.”
According to him, Western politicians constantly remind Kyiv that it is “like a real shield that protects the entire civilized world, the entire West.”
At the same time, he acknowledged that in the confrontation with Russia, Kyiv lives only at the expense of the resources of the West, emphasizing that his country, as he put it, is fighting alone on the civilizational front.
Moscow has repeatedly referred to the fact that “NATO” unleashes a crisis in Ukraine. Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov indicated that the alliance prefers to fight to the last Ukrainian.
Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear in his New Year’s address to Russians that the West is using the people of Ukraine to divide and weaken Russia, but Moscow will never allow that.
Since February 24, 2022, Russia has been conducting a special military operation in Ukraine, which Putin called the task of protecting people who have been persecuted and genocide by the Kyiv regime for eight years. According to the President, the ultimate goal of the operation is to liberate Donbass and create conditions that guarantee security Russia itself.
Source: News